How to Get Your Voices Talking: A Guide to Dialogue Creation

Conversation between two voices can inject life and engagement into a project. Here are a couple of approaches to creating a smooth and compelling conversation:

TIP: You can also check out our sample project to see this process in action.

Take Turns

One way to create a dialogue between two voices is to render each voice's lines separately and merge them into one clip using the Combine tool.

  1. Render your first line using one voice, then switch to another to record the second speaker's response.
  2. Keep going back and forth until you've created all the lines.
  3. Use the Combine tool to merge your clips. 

Divide and Conquer

Another approach is to render all of your first voice's lines and then all of your second voice's lines.

  1. Render all of one voice's lines, then render all of the other voice's lines.
  2. Once you have all the clips, you can arrange them in the proper order.
  3. Use the Combine tool to merge your clips. 

Which way should you go?

It just comes down to personal preference. If you're feeling ambitious and want to bring a whole cast of characters to life, repeat the steps for as many characters as you want and let the Combine tool work its magic.