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  3. Emphasis, Pauses, Pronunciations

Adding longer pauses between sentences

WellSaid Voices bring a natural pacing to language, yet you might want to add longer pauses between sentences for emphasis or clarity. To do this, try the following:

Use ellipses or a combination of punctuation

Using an ellipse (...) or a combination of punctuation marks (".,.,.,.") can create "breathing room" and add a slight pause between sentences. Simply add the ellipses or combination of punctuation at the end of a sentence, like this:


Use the return key

Pressing the return or enter key and entering a period a few times can create a slightly longer pause. Press the return or enter key a few times after the period at the end of the sentence, like this:pauses.return

Use the Combine feature

Wellsaid's Combine feature allows you to choose the length of time between each audio file. By combining clips, you can create a longer pause between sentences.

Use a post-processing tool

If you still need a longer pause, you can use your preferred post-processing tool to add additional pauses.