How does WellSaid moderate rendered content?

We feel it’s an honor to help innovative people amplify their creativity with our AI voices, but with that honor comes a responsibility to ensure our voices are used ethically.

Why do we moderate content?

WellSaid moderates content to protect the listeners, the voice actors, our community, the general public, and our employees. 

What kind of content is prohibited?

Neither we nor our voice actors want to be associated with certain forms of content.

Prohibited content that we moderate:

  • Sexually explicit content: We do not produce content that is pornographic in nature.
  • Abusive language: This includes language depicting physical violence or threats.
  • Extreme obscenity: Our voice actors prefer their avatars not be used for this language.
  • Hate speech: Renderings of racist or other hate speech will not be tolerated.
  • Unlawful language: Speech that violates federal laws is not allowed in WellSaid  Studio.
  • Impersonation: We do not allow language that attempts to impersonate others without consent.

At WellSaid, we understand that moderating content is complex, especially with healthcare educators, story writing, and other distinct use cases. We try to take these into account in our content moderating process. 

What happens if I try to render prohibited content?

WellSaid uses sophisticated tools to scan for overt or subtle variations of prohibited content at the moment of rendering.

When a user attempts to render prohibited text, our content moderation software will prevent it from being produced until reviewed. 

Language that violates our Terms of Service alerts our content moderation team, causing an account freeze until determined if a violation occurred or further investigation is needed.

Are there additional safeguards?

Yes, we continue to manually spot-check content that may be on the border of our guidelines to verify that our methods are catching harmful language and not mistakenly flagging valid content. 

*This safeguard is in place for all of WellSaid Lab’s voice products– Studio, API, and Custom Voices. Please review our content moderation guidelines in Terms of Service. WellSaid is forthcoming that we will not tolerate violations of our ethical code. 

Note: Our goal of creating voices worth listening to and our commitment to “AI for good” motivates us to continually improve content moderation to protect our community. 

For additional information and clarification, please see our
blog post on content moderation.