Easily share your project to allow others to view and listen to your voiceovers created in Studio. Simply share the project directly from the Projects tab.
Sharing a project link
💡 Follow this link for an example of a Shared Project page.
- In Studio, locate the project you wish to share.
- Click on the three dots menu (...) and select Share.
- Next to Public URL, in the drop-down menu, select Can Access: Anyone with link can view.
- Copy your project link and share!
Sharing a project with your team
- In Studio, locate the project you wish to share.
- Click on the three dots menu (...) and select Share.
- Next to Everyone on your team, in the drop-down menu, select the level of team access.
- Full Access: Can share, edit, and download
- Can Edit: Can edit, share, and download
- Can View: Can view and download
Updating team member access
Share a project with only some team members.
- In Studio, locate the project you wish to share.
- Click on the three dots menu (...) and select Share.
- Next to Update team member access, click the person icon.
- Choose which team members to share the project with by clicking the checkboxes.
- Use the drop-down menu in the upper right corner to select access level.
- Click Update to share your project!
Removing access to a shared project
- In Studio, select the project you want to revoke access to.
- Click on the three dots menu (...) and select Share.
- Using the drop-down menu next to Public URL or Everyone on your team, select No Access.
- To remove access from individual team members, use the drop-down menu next to each individual and select Remove.