Downloading clips with text

WellSaid Studio allows users to download text and audio files at the clip, project, or account level. Making it easy and convenient to have a written transcript along with your audio content.

Downloading text for a clip

  1. Locate the clip and text you want to download.

  2. On the right side of the clip, click the download icon.

  3. Depending on your subscription tier, select your preferred file format along with the text (i.e., MP3 + TEXT.)

  4. A zip file will be downloaded, containing the audio clip and a .txt file for each clip.

Downloading text for a Project

  1. In Projects, locate the project folder you want to download.

  2. Select the vertical ellipses (⋮ icon) to the right of the project.

  3. Select your file format and text.

  4. A zip file will be downloaded, containing the audio clips and a .txt file for each clip in the project folder.

Downloading text on the account level

  1. Navigate to Account > Settings from the left menu.

  2. Under Global download, toggle to enable the feature.

  3. Choose your preferred audio format.

  4. Under Include .txt. file, toggle to enable text download. This will automatically download both the audio clips and text for each clip.