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  3. Emphasis, Pauses, Pronunciations

Adding a longer pause between words

You can add natural pauses by using commas and periods.

Voice actors don’t read sentences exactly how they’re written; they add brief pauses in places where commas don’t exist, or they may pause to take a short breath.

To mimic these pauses and achieve a natural sound, use ​commas ​and ​periods.

💡 Tip: You can also add a combination of ellipses, parenthesis included (.......) after a word to give you "breathing" room.


Commas ​add pauses in places where a voice actor would make a small, subtle pause. If you find the AI struggling to make a good prediction for adding pauses, insert commas in these places.

Example, before modification:

An interesting question is to ask how long a straight line could be drawn with a typical HB pencil before the graphite was exhausted.

Example, after modification:

An interesting question is to ask, how long a straight line could be drawn, with a typical HB pencil, before the graphite was exhausted.


Periods ​create a pause plus a downward inflection. They are best used to break a long sentence up into two pieces, allowing the AI to better predict which words to emphasize.

Example, before modification:

The employer’s obligation under title one is to provide access for an individual applicant to participate in the job application process and for an individual employee with a disability to perform their essential functions, including access to a building, to the work site, to needed equipment, and to all facilities used by employees.

Example, after modification:

The employer’s obligation under title one is to provide access for an individual applicant to participate in the job application process. And for an individual employee with a disability, to perform their essential functions. Including access to a building, to the work site, to needed equipment, and to all facilities used by employees.

It may not be how you’d write it, but it will sound just like you’d say it.